History of Addwallet

 Let's get to know more about the Add Wallet

* AddWallet is owned by “Cartera International,” an Ecuadorian-based legal corporation.

* AddWallet is going to drive a tremendous amount of traffic to everyone’s website including major corporations, and generate “A Massive Advertising Revenue For Its Members Passively!”

*AddWallet is completely offShore (Panama & South America ), opening its office In Ecaudor in February!

* AddWallet’s attorney & management team worked tremendously to ensure they are not shut down for any reason whatsoever!

* AddWallet’s management team collectively has over 20 years industry- related experience!

* Soft launch beta testing began January 18, 2013!

* Buy Ad Units (AU’s) for $1 each to get views to your website and earn your daily revenue share, which averages 1-2% daily, compounded at 100%!

* Can purchase $1 – $10,000 in AU’s!

* Multiple accounts allowed per household!

* Just view 7 websites for 20 seconds each, every day, to qualify for daily revenue share!

* Other virtual products & services coming soon to add to the daily revenue share potential!

* 2×15 matrix pays $0.30 – $2 per week, per affiliate subscription, on their monthly subscriptions, and totals up to over $131,000 per month!

* Direct “Enroller Bonus” pays 20% per month, per subscriber you refer, up to $20 per month each!